Listen to the first two tracks from the PLEASURE Soundtrack
An intoxicating mix of trap, opera, hip-hop and vocal samples recorded on set, “Hard to the Core” feat. Mapei & “Confutatis” feat. Caroline Gentele arrive one week ahead of the film & soundtrack release.
Film Favorites: Yuki Hayashi
Japanese composer and arranger Yuki Hayashi is this month's guest for our Film Favorites series! Read along to see his top picks.
Composer Spotlight: Dan Deacon
Featuring cosmic, electronic scores by Tangerine Dream, Vangelis, John Carpenter & more, Dan Deacon's playlist will take you deeper into the sonic subconscious of Strawberry Mansion's elaborate dreamworld.
Composer Spotlight: Carter Burwell
Sometimes a film score will require research – listening to Scandinavian folk music for Fargo for instance. The Tragedy of Macbeth was not that sort of score. It’s true that the first time I saw footage from the film I thought of Psycho – its beautiful black…
Coming Soon: Belle English Edition Soundtrack
Enter our giveaway to win a chance to see Mamoru Hosoda & Studio Chizu's Belle in theaters January 14th.
Film Favorites: Uèle Lamore
A woman of many talents, Uèle Lamore is a Franco-American composer, arranger, guitarist and conductor who has explored music’s infinite possibilities. Her signature sound includes mixing the orchestral and acoustic textures with modular, electronic and synthetic elements. Lamore recently composed the soundtrack for…